Motivated by passion, driven by great design.
Brad Moore Memorial.png

Brad Moore Memorial

Brad Moore was a beloved husband and well-known Texas journalist, music critic and publisher who passed away in November 2016. Brad's wife, Michelle, requested our help with an event to celebrate and share his life with families and friends. The event was hosted in May 2017 in Austin, Texas. 

As the creative lead, I concepted and designed all event assets such as invitations, custom posters, centerpieces, keepsakes, and tribute wall. In addition, I art directed and concepted six videos that chronicled the chapters of Brad Moore’s life. The videos were presented at the event to introduce speeches from family members..

2017-05-19 2nd Try Brad Moore Memorial -669.jpg
Mixtape Tracklist.png
2017-05-19 2nd Try Brad Moore Memorial -363.jpg
Condolence Cards.png
Wall Collage.png
Table Signs.png
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